The drought monitor report as of Tuesday, December 12 indicates the area of exceptional drought covering almost one-third of our state, mostly western Kansas but also parts of South Central and Southeast Kansas.
Last week, Ashley Cordeiro, head coach of the women’s soccer team at Pratt Community College, submitted her letter of resignation to the school after serving at the helm since 2017.
Barton Community College’s Barton Dance Theatre can make you a well-rounded dancer with its “Dancing with the Cougars” social dance series fundraiser, which features five, two-hour workshops at Studio 34 (southeast corner of campus) focused on learning popular dances.
Barton’s Cougar Supply Den (CSD) was awarded $70,000 through a federal grant from the United States Department of Education and the Kansas Board of Regents that can be used to purchase food and personal care items that students in need can use free of cost.
By combining funds awarded from two separate grants Barton Community College has been able to place recycling containers throughout student housing as well as two four-bin trailers to hold material.